
I’m so tired of selling myself to companies

“what do you bring to the team” “what are you most proud of that you would like to share, that shows you would be a good fit”. All of this is just such bullshit. It's so annoying to be in the job force. Its exhausting, infuriating, draining, and these companies do so much to waste your time. I'm so tired of these companies asking me why I wan to work for them. As if “I need money to survive” isn't enough. They just want to hear some bullshit answer to make them feel better about themselves. I'm so tired of this fucking world, i'm so tired of the people I work with, and work for, and the patients, and honestly this place just makes me want to kill myself. I cannot take this shit anymore. I wish it was financially and socially okay for me to not come to work…

“what do you bring to the team” “what are you most proud of that you would like to share, that shows you would be a good fit”. All of this is just such bullshit. It's so annoying to be in the job force. Its exhausting, infuriating, draining, and these companies do so much to waste your time. I'm so tired of these companies asking me why I wan to work for them. As if “I need money to survive” isn't enough. They just want to hear some bullshit answer to make them feel better about themselves. I'm so tired of this fucking world, i'm so tired of the people I work with, and work for, and the patients, and honestly this place just makes me want to kill myself. I cannot take this shit anymore. I wish it was financially and socially okay for me to not come to work and go seek help at an in patient facility because I truly cannot do this anymore. I'm struggling. I just don't know how much more I can take of this.

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