
I’m suing my employer and convinced all of my coworkers to sue too (for not paying us OT and other shady BS)

I officially signed the contract with the lawyer! Just as I figured, my employer—a nonprofit residential drug rehab—has been royally fucking me on overtime since I started working. When I was hired, a coworker told me to save all my paystubs and make copies of my timesheets because they had just settled a lawsuit for the same exact thing I’m suing them for again, only a year and a half later How they’ve been fucking me: -All of my paystubs will have something ridiculous like 102 regular pay rate hours and then a few hours of OT. -I work 16 hour shifts that are spread across two days (example: Monday 4pm-12am; Tuesday 12am-8am). My employer hasn’t paid me any kind of OT for these shifts (which have been like 75% of my shifts since starting) because they said they don’t have to pay OT because they’re two different days. Even…

I officially signed the contract with the lawyer! Just as I figured, my employer—a nonprofit residential drug rehab—has been royally fucking me on overtime since I started working. When I was hired, a coworker told me to save all my paystubs and make copies of my timesheets because they had just settled a lawsuit for the same exact thing I’m suing them for again, only a year and a half later

How they’ve been fucking me:

-All of my paystubs will have something ridiculous like 102 regular pay rate hours and then a few hours of OT.

-I work 16 hour shifts that are spread across two days (example: Monday 4pm-12am; Tuesday 12am-8am). My employer hasn’t paid me any kind of OT for these shifts (which have been like 75% of my shifts since starting) because they said they don’t have to pay OT because they’re two different days. Even though the shift is 16hrs straight with no break in between

-My boss literally texts me all day and all night and freaks out if I don’t respond within 10 minutes. Doesn’t matter if I’m on the clock or not. Same goes for email. All of this on my personal cell phone.

-We have constant mandatory trainings and meetings all week long—some of which last 5hrs. All unpaid, of course. Some of them go until 9pm at night!!!

-They were supposed to bump my pay $3 when I got promoted. Never happened. I have it in writing that they were supposed to do that.

-My boss is just generally verbally abusive and horrible. I’ve saved all of my millions of text messages which back that up.

That’s just a few things that stick out for now. The lawyer did the intake and looked at a few of my paystubs and immediately took my case lol. The lawyer was like, “you know you could get fired right?” I was like, “yep!” But he said, “if they fire you or cut your hours, let me know immediately because we can get them for retaliation too.

I’m literally my boss’ best and hardest working employee. This company, a small nonprofit, is going to shit themselves when they get the request for my employee file and find out I’m suing. And then they get 5 more requests from the other employees that followed suit 🤣

I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt multiple times, emailing payroll every time my check was wrong. Each time, the payroll lady (also the executive director) fed me a line of utter bullshit and said I could come into her office and meet with her “on my own time” and have her explain it to me 🤣 no thanks.

The funny part is, my coworker’s daughter works in payroll and sent our payroll lady a letter explaining all of the OT laws they were breaking. Next paycheck, HER paycheck was accurate but the rest of ours were still fucked up!

This company is so fucking shady. They send the admin on yearly, all expenses paid vacations to Puerto Rico, Las Vegas, Mexico, etc. and they just gave all the admin new iPhone 13 max pro phones!

Yet they can’t pay us what we’ve rightfully earned. They get brand new donations intended for the clients—strollers, baby stuff, appliances, home goods…but instead of giving them to the clients or furnishing the houses with the stuff they sell it all!!!!

Anyways, just wanted to share here what feels like it will be a victory for all employees who have ever gotten fucked over by their employers!

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