
I’m supposed to be sleeping and recovering from surgery.

But all I can think about is how much I fucking hate my job. The longer away I am from it, the more I hate it. I hate the idea of it. The thought of returning to that shitty fast food pizza place pisses me off. The customers alone are enough to nauseate me. Not to mention the increase in work load without increase in pay. After all, shitty fast food pizza places pay shitty minimum wages. I want to find new work. I shouldn't have to think about this and plan to find new work when I'm recovering. I shouldn't be awake at 3AM. I'm just stressing myself out and therefore making my recovery longer. I know I'm not gonna be able to find new work. I didn't even technically find this job, an unemployment agency set me up with it. I never even wanted experience in food because…

But all I can think about is how much I fucking hate my job. The longer away I am from it, the more I hate it. I hate the idea of it. The thought of returning to that shitty fast food pizza place pisses me off. The customers alone are enough to nauseate me. Not to mention the increase in work load without increase in pay. After all, shitty fast food pizza places pay shitty minimum wages.

I want to find new work. I shouldn't have to think about this and plan to find new work when I'm recovering. I shouldn't be awake at 3AM. I'm just stressing myself out and therefore making my recovery longer. I know I'm not gonna be able to find new work. I didn't even technically find this job, an unemployment agency set me up with it. I never even wanted experience in food because experience in food is a trap where I live. I can't just up and quit, I have rent and bills to pay.

I shouldn't have to be applying to jobs while I'm recovering from surgery. But I can't fucking stand to walk into that place ever again.

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