
I’m surprised more people aren’t talking about the 32hr Work Week Act currently in Congress

There is currently an act in congress that would change the Fair Labor Standards Act so instead of forcing overtime pay after 40 hours, it forces overtime pay after 32 hours. This wouldn't completely remove the 40 hour work week overnight but it is certainly a great place to start. If nothing else it will at least start moving the cultural norms in that direction even if employers initially try to find ways around it. I'm surprised I don't see a post about this act everyday. I realize that this sub was originally created for the advocation of abolishing work but there is a large portion of the population currently advocating for workers rights and this is right up their alley! Edit: I cannot keep replying to all post so here are some common ones: Q: Wont companies just make everyone salaried? A: If they do, it would force them…

There is currently an act in congress that would change the Fair Labor Standards Act so instead of forcing overtime pay after 40 hours, it forces overtime pay after 32 hours. This wouldn't completely remove the 40 hour work week overnight but it is certainly a great place to start.

If nothing else it will at least start moving the cultural norms in that direction even if employers initially try to find ways around it.

I'm surprised I don't see a post about this act everyday. I realize that this sub was originally created for the advocation of abolishing work but there is a large portion of the population currently advocating for workers rights and this is right up their alley!

Edit: I cannot keep replying to all post so here are some common ones:

Q: Wont companies just make everyone salaried?

A: If they do, it would force them to pay people $684 a week ($17 an hour assuming 40 hour work week) and they get consistent pay regardless of hours worked. I see that as a win.

Q: Wont companies just reduce everyone to 32 hours and keep the same pay, effectively reducing wages?

A: I wont lie and say this wont happen – it might. However I think many companies who want to do that already have to avoid providing benefits under Obama Care. I don't think (and hope I am right) this will lead to mass hour cuts.

Q: It wont pass congress anyway!

A: That isn't a question! But I think the only way to increase the chances of it passing congress is to talk about it so why not talk about it?

Q: What can I do to support this?

A: Tell your friends, tell your parents, tell anyone who will listen. The more people talk about it the more likely politicians will see it as a necessity to keep their jobs. Also directly calling your congressmen may help. You can find their contact info here.

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