
I’m thinking about quitting my family business

So, I’ve always worked at my wives family business. I became a partner in 2015 when they decided to open a new location. I worked hard there to bring up sales. This wasn’t easy and I worked long hours, sometimes around 70 hours a week. My father in law fell I’ll shortly after we opened this location and most of the responsibilities fell on me, which I was fine with. Unfortunately my father in law passed and I continued at that location and made it pretty successful inspire of many competitors nearby. In 2018 my mother in law approached me at work tearfully and asked if I would go to another location where at the time her brother was running. Apparently her brother had mismanaged the business so badly that it was just barely still in the black. Sales were low, customer satisfaction was low, employees were basically doing what…

So, I’ve always worked at my wives family business. I became a partner in 2015 when they decided to open a new location. I worked hard there to bring up sales. This wasn’t easy and I worked long hours, sometimes around 70 hours a week. My father in law fell I’ll shortly after we opened this location and most of the responsibilities fell on me, which I was fine with. Unfortunately my father in law passed and I continued at that location and made it pretty successful inspire of many competitors nearby. In 2018 my mother in law approached me at work tearfully and asked if I would go to another location where at the time her brother was running. Apparently her brother had mismanaged the business so badly that it was just barely still in the black. Sales were low, customer satisfaction was low, employees were basically doing what they wanted. Things were not good. She proposed that my number two step up and run things where I was and that her and I become partners at the location that was having issues. I’d like to stop and emphasize that she was the one to suggest and offer we become business partners at this location. She vaguely mentioned that she wanted to sell 40% to my wife and I, retain 50% and give the remaining 10% to my sister in law, who helps with paperwork. I was willing to go and help out for a while regardless, because a lot of family had been taking advantage of my mother-in-law after my father-in-law had passed. So I embark on this new journey. Shortly after working at this new location my mother-in-law has a conversation with my wife and I and accuses us, mainly me, of taking advantage of her during a difficult time and that I coerced her to sell me part of the business. I was a bit taken aback, because I had never even suggested it. At the time, I was angry. My wife, although knowing it wasn’t true, wanted me to stay and help my mother-in-law with the business. So long story short, I did. I stayed and turned that location into a power house. Sales were amazing. I hired a manager and was able to float between the two locations. Things were pretty good for a while until my mother-in-law approached my wife and told her she wanted to open a new location and she wanted me to oversee its opening. But she wanted to open this location with a few partners and she was only offering us 10%. I was a bit upset, because for one she never asked me directly if I was interested in partnering with her at the new place and second the percentage was so low for the amount of commitment I would have to put into it. But yet again, my wife convinced me to do what was best for the family big picture and we went though with it. This was in late 2019 right before the pandemic. The nature of our business was deeply affected by the pandemic and I was working harder than ever to keep our doors open. Fortunately we were one of the lucky ones in our industry to make it through. Even the new location was able to stay in the black. However I was getting tired and I saw very little help from my mother-in-law even in things like approving repairs on site. She always made me feel as though profits were not great, that even though we had great sales that the overhead really didn’t leave much at the end of the month for her. Fast forward to the end of 2021 and I’m still working like crazy. I’m stressed and pushing my body too hard and I end up injuring my foot and need to take time off. During this period my mother-in-law has a meeting with me, my wife and my sister-in-law if we’re still interested in working at the family business or if she should consider selling it. I was a bit taken a back, but I told her the truth that I was tired and maybe selling was the best option. Shortly after, she approached me and my wife again and suggests that we purchase the location that I had rebounded. This was before I was able to come back to work. I said I was very interested and for her to throw out some numbers to which she said she would need sometime to consider. I also asked to see the accounting for the past 3 years. We meet again and come to fine out that in 2019 she made 300,000k from this location alone. After telling me we don’t have the money for a new HVAC unit which I have been begging her to buy. she also comes up with an unofficial report that says she only made $200,000k. Why she would show us both is beyond me. Anyway, shortly after we make an offer she changes her mind again and says that we’re coercing her to sell. That very day I put in an application at a company that is similar to what I’d do. Landed an interview and got the job. Although the pay initially isn’t going to be what I currently make and never what it could be if I owned a location on my own, I know that I wouldn’t be working 70 hour weeks anymore. I would have time to spend with my kids and wife and be able to go to events and after school activities and actually have weekends off too. I’m also just done with my mother-in-laws manipulation. Constantly holding a carrot in my face. Also, for what I get paid this stress isn’t worth it. Maybe if I was an owner, on my own, making 300,000k. Anyway it makes me a bit sad to think of leaving the only thing I’ve ever done for something new but I think I’m done here. I don’t see any room for growth and I feel like I’m always being used and manipulated. I don’t know, I figured I’d come here to vent and see what everyone thought of the situation. Thanks.

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