
I’m tired of my life

I don’t make much money, people can say get a better job but it’s just not as simple as that. Every single day is the same, wake up at 6 go to work that is sitting in an office for hours on end, then sit in traffic, go home and have no time left to myself by the time I eat and shower. And that my life 6 days a week. By Sunday I’m just burnt out. There are so many thing I want to do but I can’t bc I need money to do them, I have a dream that I’ve had since I was 10 years old that I want to pursue but I need money to do it. I hate where I live it’s loud and a rough place but it the only place I can afford. Im not suicidal but most of the time I just…

I don’t make much money, people can say get a better job but it’s just not as simple as that.

Every single day is the same, wake up at 6 go to work that is sitting in an office for hours on end, then sit in traffic, go home and have no time left to myself by the time I eat and shower. And that my life 6 days a week. By Sunday I’m just burnt out.

There are so many thing I want to do but I can’t bc I need money to do them, I have a dream that I’ve had since I was 10 years old that I want to pursue but I need money to do it. I hate where I live it’s loud and a rough place but it the only place I can afford.

Im not suicidal but most of the time I just feel like what is the point anymore. There are so many times where I’ve just wanted to lie in bed forever. I think I’ve cried more as a young adult than i have as a kid that’s how tired of life I am. I never in my life had any mental health problems until I started this ‘rat race’.

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