I just got hired for my second job today. My primary job started me at 30 hours a week and scheduled me 12 hours a week for all of August. The problem is that I have to be at work at 4am and the only job I could get is a closing job where I’m working until midnight. Even after getting a second job I’m STILL not breaking 40 hours a week. I just don’t get it. These businesses complain about nobody wanting to work but then scam employees into applying and then literally do not let them work.
I just moved to a new state and before I moved I had two jobs because I can’t make rent, my phone bill, gas, food, and utilities off of 16 hours a week at one job.
The cherry on top is that I made it so clear to my manager at my primary job that I needed 20 hours a week so I could be eligible for health insurance and she said that was possible.
I’m so over it. That struggle is never ending.