
I’m voting 3rd party

Next upcoming election for president, I’m voting for a 3rd party. Don’t care what Red and Blue have on the table… They’re all corrupt and bought by corporations. Voting 3rd at least gives us a chance at something new. I don’t like our current system. Corporations are running rampant with complete disregard to their humanitarian duty of providing ample living conditions for their employees… US Citizens. They’re able to do this because we elect government officials who allow them to. We’ll I’m done. They don’t get my vote anymore. Make no mistake, I’ll be voting, but I’ll be doing my research into 3rd party candidates this time around. We have the chance to derail this train, but I bet some poor soul will find an excuse for us not to try. Good luck with elections next year everyone. I hope you vote with integrity and not fear.

Next upcoming election for president, I’m voting for a 3rd party. Don’t care what Red and Blue have on the table… They’re all corrupt and bought by corporations. Voting 3rd at least gives us a chance at something new.

I don’t like our current system. Corporations are running rampant with complete disregard to their humanitarian duty of providing ample living conditions for their employees… US Citizens. They’re able to do this because we elect government officials who allow them to. We’ll I’m done. They don’t get my vote anymore. Make no mistake, I’ll be voting, but I’ll be doing my research into 3rd party candidates this time around.

We have the chance to derail this train, but I bet some poor soul will find an excuse for us not to try.

Good luck with elections next year everyone. I hope you vote with integrity and not fear.

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