
Imma bout to leave my job

I’ve worked here for about 3 years and had several promotions. However they don’t give me enough money. I’m the head of my department now, am constantly stressed, and every problem my team makes is my fault. They won’t raise the starting pay to something decent so we can’t hire anyone decent. The days when I call out are already shitshows and I get to hear a lot about how things fall apart when I’m gone lol. A friend got me an interview today and they extended a job offer. I’m putting my two weeks in on Tuesday. My supervisor never really gave up control of the department when I was promoted and supposed to take over. I’m excited to see how they’ll handle having that position they so badly want back! My friend will still be working there so I’ll get to hear all the details.

I’ve worked here for about 3 years and had several promotions. However they don’t give me enough money. I’m the head of my department now, am constantly stressed, and every problem my team makes is my fault. They won’t raise the starting pay to something decent so we can’t hire anyone decent. The days when I call out are already shitshows and I get to hear a lot about how things fall apart when I’m gone lol.
A friend got me an interview today and they extended a job offer. I’m putting my two weeks in on Tuesday. My supervisor never really gave up control of the department when I was promoted and supposed to take over. I’m excited to see how they’ll handle having that position they so badly want back! My friend will still be working there so I’ll get to hear all the details.

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