
immigrant rant

i could not find any other subreddit to post this so here i go: i came to this country many moons ago in the hope to find the “american dream” but instead i faced disappointment,to a point which i have started to regret a lot of my decisions especially about coming here i financially struggled in the beginning and had little support so worked shitty jobs and made shitty money with no growth.i went to college on my own to earn a degree and hopefully find a better job that could turn into a career.they gave me some scholarship but i still had to pay a lot on my own which was very difficult given the fact that i had no family or support i worked two jobs every single year of my college experience.after i graduated and started looking for jobs,employers did not like my “work history” as…

i could not find any other subreddit to post this so here i go:

i came to this country many moons ago in the hope to find the “american dream” but instead i faced disappointment,to a point which i have started to regret a lot of my decisions especially about coming here

i financially struggled in the beginning and had little support so worked shitty jobs and made shitty money with no growth.i went to college on my own to earn a degree and hopefully find a better job that could turn into a career.they gave me some scholarship but i still had to pay a lot on my own which was very difficult given the fact that i had no family or support i worked two jobs every single year of my college experience.after i graduated and started looking for jobs,employers did not like my “work history” as i never worked anywhere longer than a year(duh i was in school!) and i was constantly told “why dont you get an unpaid internship for the experience?” and im like BECAUSE I HAVE BILLS TO PAY!

then i was advised to go to graduate school in the hopes of honing my skills so i decided to to do even more schooling.but then covid happened and everything went to here i am: jobless with a broken resume that nobody even looks at and fuckton of loans to pay back while i need to live a life and pay my bills

it seems to me that employers are no longer interested in people and what they offer.they want to pay entry level wages to someone with a masters degree!

i am at a tipping point here where i have failed to even get an interview at the 250+ companies that i have applied to.WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?

how do you pay your bills without an income?

how do you have an income without a job?

thank you very much.

the exhausted-work-seeker-who-now-hates-work

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