Hearing everyone’s stories on this …. Beautiful thread has inspired me to share my own story
Back in September I left my first job, a major “family” grocer in Florida after 10 years of loyal service (Floridians you know who) it was my first job and at one point I LOVED it… it was always hard work, I knew it and I was okay with it because I believed in the mission we were doing, providing a service to our customers, and being reminded even though they were tough on us we were still family and being offered a stake in the company to acknowledge we were all OWNERS
Maybe I was a starry eyed dreamer to believe everyone was gonna follow the rules like me
I was transferred to a store by my district manager, and saw my Produce Manager break every rule imaginable in the company. From showing up late and changing his schedule on the fly EVERY single day to never being on the sales floor but yet criticizing the work of his assistant (me) and his employees… sexually harassing a young female employee looking to get into management,
After a while I finally went up to my store management and the response was to “support my produce manager” … everyone at this company in management was either too busy trying to get themselves promoted or genuinely playing the “corporate game” to care about the fact that the ENTIRE produce department was complaining to their assistant that they hated their jobs and their produce manager ( btw it was store wide not just my dept but I can only speak to my guys)
Multiple times going to store management about my PM and nothing was being done, all the while on the daily my employees came up to me to vent their frustrations and being the good person I try to be I listened…. Finally he was replaced due to his indiscretions being numerous and blatant… by an even more hot headed and young manager…
I called it quits after many a crying night and talking to family….now I’m in a company that lets me leave on time most days and states in the company motto they care about our work life balance… the longer I get away from my time at Publix (oops) I am absolutely blown away how I did it for so long… and the only regret I have… is not going back to that store… to SCREAM at the top of my lungs in the middle of the store to all the employees… just how much better life gets when you leave a job you are… absolutely miserable in… and yes… there has been plenty of people in my messages in the months since asking me if my new company is hiring… i take care of them best I can… taken a couple employees already … thanks for listening guys