
In Office Work More Important than my Mental Health?

I have worked for a “start up” company for 3 1/2 years in Oregon. I basically got them to where they are now. If it weren't for me they would not be at the level of success they are. They've showed their appreciation with raises and stocks but never direct words. My mental health has been declining lately, my anxiety keeps me from getting up ready to go in the mornings. Usually on work days I feel like I'm at the bottom of a pool with bricks on top of me just holding me down to drown. Being able to work from home 3/5 days a week has really helped me be able to continue to function at my job. Recently they told us we had to come back into the office for 4 days a week (Mon-Thurs) which is something I can't do. My job involves literally sitting at…

I have worked for a “start up” company for 3 1/2 years in Oregon. I basically got them to where they are now. If it weren't for me they would not be at the level of success they are. They've showed their appreciation with raises and stocks but never direct words.

My mental health has been declining lately, my anxiety keeps me from getting up ready to go in the mornings. Usually on work days I feel like I'm at the bottom of a pool with bricks on top of me just holding me down to drown. Being able to work from home 3/5 days a week has really helped me be able to continue to function at my job.

Recently they told us we had to come back into the office for 4 days a week (Mon-Thurs) which is something I can't do. My job involves literally sitting at a computer all day so there's no reason I can't do it from home. I hate our office too – my workspace is small, loud and the office isn't kept very clean. I have to wear noise canceling headphones everyday just so I can concentrate so it's not very “collaborative” anyways.

I got a letter from my therapist to give to my work saying I need to be able to work from home for my mental health. I sent it to HR at the request of my boss and HR made me fill out an “accommodation request” form where all I did was reiterate what the doctors note said. Then, HR set up a meeting with me to discuss the request. I brought my boss in with me so she could attest that I am getting my work done from home.

Their “modification” proposal to my request was basically that they will move me to hourly (I'm salary now) and only pay me on the days I'm in the office. I was shocked and appaled. It's a huge slap in the face. After everything I've done for them and this is what they do to me?! They are the ones who have contributed to my declining mental health. I reiterated that I am trying to put up a boundary for my mental health and they said “Well, this is the company's boundary”. My boss did nothing to stand up for me (surprise) and sided with HR. I realize I made a mistake in thinking she would help. Your boss is not your friend.

I had been going into the office on Tuesdays and Thursdays so that is my counter offer. We're going to discuss it this week I guess. But I'm already looking at other jobs. They have made it clear that they don't give a fuck about me and I'm done giving a fuck about them. There are so many other companies in my area offering hybrid/remote positions. I don't even care if I get paid less at this point I just want out of this toxic situation.

Mind you, the company's CEO has this fucked up notion that people are more productive when they're in the office. That's not true for everyone. Not only that, but he doesn't trust anyone so the only reason he wants us there is so he can babysit and control us. I have a fairly good relationship with him so part of me wants to call him and talk to him about it but idk what to say and I really just wanna tell him to fuck off.

Not sure if I'm looking for advice or just wanted to rant. I'll take anything though, advice, words of encouragement, additional “fuck yous” to this company, empathy, etc. welcome. Thanks for reading!

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