
Inappropriate Boss Has No Boundaries and There is No HR Department.

I (m 25) work for a small firm that is made up of less than a dozen people. My boss is the CEO and founder of the company and he is a very established and experienced individual, so I respect that about him. He is also mostly very kind and thoughtful, but he has no understanding of what is and isn't professional or appropriate. He has put me and my other younger coworkers in very awkward situations in front of the rest of the company, as well as clients that we are selling work to. For example, he questions me about my sleeping arrangements with my partner, whether I have had pre-marital sex (he is an evangelical), my thoughts on just about every hot button political issue, and he has even gone into rants about how I should ditch my best friend because my friend refused the vaccine. Other issue…

I (m 25) work for a small firm that is made up of less than a dozen people. My boss is the CEO and founder of the company and he is a very established and experienced individual, so I respect that about him. He is also mostly very kind and thoughtful, but he has no understanding of what is and isn't professional or appropriate.

He has put me and my other younger coworkers in very awkward situations in front of the rest of the company, as well as clients that we are selling work to. For example, he questions me about my sleeping arrangements with my partner, whether I have had pre-marital sex (he is an evangelical), my thoughts on just about every hot button political issue, and he has even gone into rants about how I should ditch my best friend because my friend refused the vaccine. Other issue points include: praying before meetings (we have no religious affiliation), making anti-trans, ablest, homophobic, and racist comments, and openly engaging with clients in political arguments that have no relation to our work. There have been many occasions where my coworkers and I have to work late or on the weekends, but he could hardly be bothered to show up to the office half the time. Just the other night we had to stay late and he didn't show up until 2 hours after the meetings intended start time so we have to make up that time by staying later. We are not paid hourly, so it was essentially us working for free. The company has no HR department and therefore nobody for me to turn to with these complaints. My coworker even once politely confronted our boss about some of his more inflammatory comments.

I like the type of work that I do, and I really like my coworkers. I am also nervous about the economic uncertainty and scared of being without a job. I am just confused not sure what to do.

TLDR: My boss makes unprofessional and inappropriate comments/discussion and forces us to work outside of work hours without overtime pay. There is no HR department to address issues, and I don't know what to do.

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