
Inclusive Anti work subreddit description of users viewpoints. Right now ends with an “and”, this should be changed to an “or”

My title says it all and maybe I’m being dramatic. Idgaf I’m not working while writing this so…. The description of this subreddit is “a subreddit for those who want to end work, Etc, AND etc” paraphrasing of course. Yet as per the MOD escapade last month or whatever, it is clear that not everyone on this sub has the same viewpoints. Therefore the conjunction at the end of the List of viewpoints of redditors that are apart of this sub in the description should be changed to an or to reflect how we include everyone who has anti work feelings 🙂

My title says it all and maybe I’m being dramatic. Idgaf I’m not working while writing this so….

The description of this subreddit is “a subreddit for those who want to end work, Etc, AND etc” paraphrasing of course. Yet as per the MOD escapade last month or whatever, it is clear that not everyone on this sub has the same viewpoints.

Therefore the conjunction at the end of the List of viewpoints of redditors that are apart of this sub in the description should be changed to an or to reflect how we include everyone who has anti work feelings 🙂

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