
Income is earned, not entitled.

Sometimes, I just don’t get it. Here on Reddit, you guys seem to think that having a job and earning money is like some sort of civil birth right. But here’s the thing… you have to earn it. Money is earned, not entitled. Before spitting out your drink and downvoting me with both hands, let me explain. Too many times I’ve had to deal with shitty employees and shitty attitudes right off the bat, before I even had a chance to say “hi, I’ll have a…” Jobs are tough sometimes. I have one too, I understand. I’ve been working in food service for almost 10 years now, I like to think I’ve seen it all. I’m about to become a supervisor at my store (pending some paperwork) so I’ve had to learn a lesson that many of these workers haven’t learned yet. You have to be presentable. Put a smile…

Sometimes, I just don’t get it. Here on Reddit, you guys seem to think that having a job and earning money is like some sort of civil birth right. But here’s the thing… you have to earn it. Money is earned, not entitled.

Before spitting out your drink and downvoting me with both hands, let me explain.

Too many times I’ve had to deal with shitty employees and shitty attitudes right off the bat, before I even had a chance to say “hi, I’ll have a…”

Jobs are tough sometimes. I have one too, I understand. I’ve been working in food service for almost 10 years now, I like to think I’ve seen it all. I’m about to become a supervisor at my store (pending some paperwork) so I’ve had to learn a lesson that many of these workers haven’t learned yet. You have to be presentable. Put a smile on your face even when you have difficult customers. Leave your personal life at the door, if you have to. Mistakes happen, I get it. You own it, you fix it, you honor their refund/remake, treat them all with kindness and dignity, all that. You guys should know all that. Typical food service etiquette.

What I don’t get is how you guys can defend repeat offenses. I’ve seen the posts and comments here. If you repeatedly can’t perform up to the standards that your company expects, if you can’t maintain a decent attitude, then you lose your job. Straight up. Conversely, if you (as an employer) struggle to maintain a workforce that can perform well with a good attitude, maybe you want to take a good hard long look at how you train and treat your team.

This is not one sided. Having a job is not a birth right or whatever. No. You earn that shit. You treat every guest with kindness and patience and you serve them the greatest sandwich/salad/steak/whatever that they’ve ever had. If you’re having a bad day, let someone else take over. If you repeatedly can’t do it, get the hell out or find something to do that doesn’t involve direct customer interaction. Conversely, if you’re the best worker and serve as a role model for your team but the rest of your team sucks all the time, you might want to figure that out too.

Look. I’m tired of seeing posts here defending the right to live through earning money at work regardless of performance on the clock

Yes, you have a right to life, liberty and prosperity… but if you’re an asshole on the clock and serve up a shitty product, go home. Don’t go blowing up social media about how you value your time and life more than what they pay you, all the while conveniently leaving out a fair and accurate explanation of your performance.

It’s one thing if you do good work and earn shit pay. I feel for you, I really do. It’s a whole other thing if you’re a prick and expect a paycheck too. Go look in a mirror.

Before hitting me with some anti-boomer rhetoric either, I’m a 30 year old male.

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