
Incompetent management is making me quit

Currently working as a cashier at a franchise of a popular hardware store. Typing this on the job because I don't care anymore lmao. To sum up the problems of this business, let's just say that I'm 20, working part time on the weekends while i study full-time for about a year now, and am the most experienced employee of the store apart from the managers. The two bosses are completely incompetent, show up maybe one hour a day to pretend they're doing work and have no idea whats happening in their store. The shop is CONSTANTLY understaffed because the people who apply either quit after a couple of weeks or get fired on some power trip by the bosses. They are so addicted to micromanaging they wont even let us change the stupid fucking atrocious radio im forced to listen to all day. They're not even IN THE STORE…

Currently working as a cashier at a franchise of a popular hardware store. Typing this on the job because I don't care anymore lmao.

To sum up the problems of this business, let's just say that I'm 20, working part time on the weekends while i study full-time for about a year now, and am the most experienced employee of the store apart from the managers.

The two bosses are completely incompetent, show up maybe one hour a day to pretend they're doing work and have no idea whats happening in their store. The shop is CONSTANTLY understaffed because the people who apply either quit after a couple of weeks or get fired on some power trip by the bosses. They are so addicted to micromanaging they wont even let us change the stupid fucking atrocious radio im forced to listen to all day. They're not even IN THE STORE and they throw a fit if they get here and we've changed the music.

Things were going alright as they started hiring and keeping more people, but now they've gone back to their bullshit. I'm now the only cashier they have on weekends because they fired the other one, giving no logical reason. They also fired another cashier during the week and another one quit in protest that same day. They have a grand total of three cashiers now: two during the week and a single one on weekends.

When we had multiple cashiers, I often went to replace people on the floor as there's one employee per department and the bosses don't want us leaving anywhere unstaffed (the cognitive dissonance is strong with this one) – but now that they've fired half of them I have to call up the manager that's on the floor that day to take my 15 minutes. If I don't call, I don't break at all.

Anyways, i was planning on quitting during summer vacation to truly relax and not have to think about work, but now I'm just going to give my two weeks. I can't believe I've put up with this that long. The employees are so nice and i love their energy, but this abhorrent management just isn't worth the money and stress. Rant over.

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