
Indecent exposure at work

Hello everyone looking for advice. I’m working at a local restaurant type location in the California Bay Area since October and in that time I’ve seen a homeless man fondling himself twice. I’ve basically been told that if it is to happen again to call the non emergency line and specify that the person is ‘pleasuring’ themselves otherwise they will not come (this knowledge is from experience with management) and to pass it off to the bussers and let them deal with it. There have been other incidents like a man handing an employee a cup of urine, a alleged gun threat that was treated as ‘we don’t know if they’re telling the truth/ no evidence’ and windows being smashed in. I’m feeling like I’m California there are probably some labor laws or some kind of protection for employees? I’m really looking for advice to protect the younger people who…

Hello everyone looking for advice. I’m working at a local restaurant type location in the California Bay Area since October and in that time I’ve seen a homeless man fondling himself twice. I’ve basically been told that if it is to happen again to call the non emergency line and specify that the person is ‘pleasuring’ themselves otherwise they will not come (this knowledge is from experience with management) and to pass it off to the bussers and let them deal with it. There have been other incidents like a man handing an employee a cup of urine, a alleged gun threat that was treated as ‘we don’t know if they’re telling the truth/ no evidence’ and windows being smashed in. I’m feeling like I’m California there are probably some labor laws or some kind of protection for employees? I’m really looking for advice to protect the younger people who generally tend to be bussers and everyone in general and I really would love to twist their arm a little bit before I quit

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