
Indeed review of my last job

A little background, I was fired two weeks ago tomorrow. I’ve been wracking my brain ever since, trying to come up with a thorough review of everything that’s wrong with the company. Imagine my surprise when I go to their page on Indeed, and it’s already full of thoughtful, yet extremely negative reviews. I added mine to the growing pile hoping to save someone a little mental anguish. Here it is: I was employed at [redacted] (production facility) for nearly two years. Without a doubt, it is one of the most toxic companies I've ever worked for. Management are mostly young, inexperienced, and unqualified stoners. They're rarely given training or support from their superiors, and will frequently use that as an excuse for their own poor performances. Accountability is virtually nonexistent at [redacted]. That goes, double, triple, and quadruple for management. Passing the buck is an everyday practice, and management…

A little background, I was fired two weeks ago tomorrow. I’ve been wracking my brain ever since, trying to come up with a thorough review of everything that’s wrong with the company. Imagine my surprise when I go to their page on Indeed, and it’s already full of thoughtful, yet extremely negative reviews. I added mine to the growing pile hoping to save someone a little mental anguish. Here it is:

I was employed at [redacted] (production facility) for nearly two years. Without a doubt, it is one of the most toxic companies I've ever worked for. Management are mostly young, inexperienced, and unqualified stoners. They're rarely given training or support from their superiors, and will frequently use that as an excuse for their own poor performances. Accountability is virtually nonexistent at [redacted]. That goes, double, triple, and quadruple for management. Passing the buck is an everyday practice, and management (even entry-level managers) will not hesitate to throw a subordinate under the bus to save their own skin. Most egregious of all is management's unwillingness to take constructive criticism from anyone who is not a perceived equal or superior. Employees do not work for managers; managers work for employees!!!

The poor management of entry-level positions results in a lot of professional neglect. Favoritism runs rampant through most departments. On teams of 15-20 people, excessive attention is generally given to 1-3 employees while the rest are left to their own devices. Your work ethic, ambitions, leadership qualities, etc. won't matter in most cases. If you want to get ahead in this company, use your time wisely: ingratiate yourself with your manager when you should actually be working.

The toxicity begins with management, but it ends at HR. Do not expect them to help you in any way, shape, or form if you make a complaint. HR and upper management seem intent on maintaining the status quo. They do not take kindly to perceived insults against the company. Despite rules/laws against retaliation, complainants are often targeted in subtle ways (usually by withholding a raise/retro pay/bonus that they've earned). Both parties would rather their employees ignore the corrosive atmosphere, low pay, awful management, and deteriorating condition of the facility.

From all this, the only conclusion I can draw is that the upper management of this company are f*cking Looney Tunes with dollar signs for eyes. They care more about their bottom line than the safety, health, and happiness of their hourly employees…the ones who bleed, sweat, and cry to lovingly cultivate a product that's making them RICH so they can keep us poor.


Anyone else been employed by a similar sounding company? Promotions based on favoritism or plain, old convenience? Managers unwilling to accept criticism or accountability for their mistakes? Dismissive and petty HR department?

I’ve been lurking in this sub for the past couple of weeks, and it seems like everyone’s got a story like this. Is work culture in the United States just broken or is this happening everywhere?

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