
Injured because of work? Lose your benefits!

This is more a vent than anything…. I work at a desk job that requires constant typing – literally 7.5 hours of typing a day. I cannot use diction software because they are private records and the software we use wouldn't easily allow for it. Low and behold – I developed a repetitive stress injury in my hands and wrists. I used ergonomic keyboards, wrist braces, different mouses, etc, to try and mitigate this so I could keep working. It got to the point where I straight up couldn't use my hands. I couldn't cook with my partner, I couldn't use my laptop recreationally, couldn't hold my Switch, couldn't do fucking anything. I got depressed and took a week off to try and rest them as best as I could. Came back with 0 symptoms – 4 hours in and I am crying. Finally, finally, I took time off and…

This is more a vent than anything….

I work at a desk job that requires constant typing – literally 7.5 hours of typing a day. I cannot use diction software because they are private records and the software we use wouldn't easily allow for it. Low and behold – I developed a repetitive stress injury in my hands and wrists. I used ergonomic keyboards, wrist braces, different mouses, etc, to try and mitigate this so I could keep working.

It got to the point where I straight up couldn't use my hands. I couldn't cook with my partner, I couldn't use my laptop recreationally, couldn't hold my Switch, couldn't do fucking anything. I got depressed and took a week off to try and rest them as best as I could. Came back with 0 symptoms – 4 hours in and I am crying. Finally, finally, I took time off and went on short-term disability to deal with this and recover.

I had to take 2 months off to get them to even manageable pain. I started to slowly return to work okay but as soon as I hit 8 hours again I went back to square one. I decided that 6 hours is the most I could handle. I filled out and paid for all the necessary medical forms to show why I need this, etcetc. Didn't hear back from them for 2 weeks!

Just heard back and they stated that the time I need to change to is NOT MEDICALLY NECESSARY, but I could change to those hours regardless. Great! One problem: if I work those hours I will LOSE MY HEALTH BENEFITS and since it is not medically necessary there is no way around that. I can get them back…. if I go back to 8 hours.

At this point, I am so defeated. I feel like I've put my body in a place it should never be in. I've pushed myself for my job and I genuinely really enjoy doing it. I have a freaking doctor explicitly state I need this. But still, I cannot get the hours I need. Fuck man 🙁

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