
Interview advice needed.

Getting back to work after taking time off for school and from a horrible job I left. This interview is for the biggest company I have ever applied to. Looking for advice on how to cover the following: Long gap between recent jobs. On LinkedIn, the gap shows a year. HOWEVER, I DID work during this “gap year” but do not have the company on my work history because the owner was indecent, and he was HR. Pay. While this unlisted job needs to be talked about (correct?), it was my highest paying job…but it’s not listed on my resume. School. Strengths/Weaknesses – tbh always hated this one.

Getting back to work after taking time off for school and from a horrible job I left.

This interview is for the biggest company I have ever applied to.

Looking for advice on how to cover the following:

  1. Long gap between recent jobs. On LinkedIn, the gap shows a year. HOWEVER, I DID work during this “gap year” but do not have the company on my work history because the owner was indecent, and he was HR.

  2. Pay. While this unlisted job needs to be talked about (correct?), it was my highest paying job…but it’s not listed on my resume.

  3. School.

  4. Strengths/Weaknesses – tbh always hated this one.

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