
Interviewers set up the expectation that I was going to get the job, but then I was rejected

I’d love y’all’s input on this. If this post doesn’t really fit here, lmk and I’ll delete it. I just had an interview for my dream job. I’ve done a lot of interviews in my life, but this had been one of the best experiences I’ve had. Each interviewer made comments about how I was ‘very qualified’ and had the exact experience they were looking for. One of the interviewers even said they hope I get the job. Then, the next day, I was rejected. While I understand these things happen, what I am upset about is that they would make comments about how they “hope I get the job” and then almost immediately reject me. To me, this is a lack of professionalism and respect for the candidate on their end. I have a meeting setup with the recruiter for feedback, and I would like to share my thoughts…

I’d love y’all’s input on this. If this post doesn’t really fit here, lmk and I’ll delete it.

I just had an interview for my dream job. I’ve done a lot of interviews in my life, but this had been one of the best experiences I’ve had. Each interviewer made comments about how I was ‘very qualified’ and had the exact experience they were looking for. One of the interviewers even said they hope I get the job. Then, the next day, I was rejected.

While I understand these things happen, what I am upset about is that they would make comments about how they “hope I get the job” and then almost immediately reject me. To me, this is a lack of professionalism and respect for the candidate on their end.

I have a meeting setup with the recruiter for feedback, and I would like to share my thoughts on this. I’m curious if anyone has any tips on a good way to frame this.

Thanks for your help.

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