
Is every restaurant nowadays running on racial supremacy?

Last post got removed for not being woke enough, so I changed some words. I am a person of color in his 20's I live in the U.S. and I have worked back of the house since the pandemic started. I work at this place as a dishwasher since last month, on my last shift (Wednesday) I had a non minority cook come up to me and say something along the lines of “are you ever thinking about washing this pot?” It was 1 pm and that pot had been there since like 6 am, I got to work at 9 am since that is when it was scheduled. I politely asked the cook if she needed that dirty pot and pan, the cook replied with “what are you waiting for? are you ever going to wash?” the cook rolled her eyes and left. This cook also sports a religious…

Last post got removed for not being woke enough, so I changed some words.

I am a person of color in his 20's I live in the U.S. and I have worked back of the house since the pandemic started.

I work at this place as a dishwasher since last month, on my last shift (Wednesday) I had a non minority cook come up to me and say something along the lines of “are you ever thinking about washing this pot?” It was 1 pm and that pot had been there since like 6 am, I got to work at 9 am since that is when it was scheduled. I politely asked the cook if she needed that dirty pot and pan, the cook replied with “what are you waiting for? are you ever going to wash?” the cook rolled her eyes and left. This cook also sports a religious silver chain and she's openly said in front of staff that she doesn't drink, so this girl gives me some midwestern religious freak vibes. the type of person who treats people different if they don't think and act and look like you.

I find it pretty unprofessional that I didn't wash that pot earlier but I am doing a two-men's job for the pay rate of one so it's not like I can have a clear dish pit all the time.

I understand is my job to wash and I do it on command, but I always get demeaned by my non minority coworkers when I am asked to do something and this hurts me pretty bad because when the non minority dishwasher shows up to work every non minority cook starts mentioning how awesome it is to work with the a non minority dishwasher and how reliable he is and how he is not like the other dishwashers and how he radiates the place with happiness. I am glad this non minority dishwasher gets the love and respect I don't get but I feel treated like I am less of a human simply because of something I cannot change about my appearance, I feel denigrated as a human being and I feel like as if I don't matter simply because of my DNA. I do a great job and I never get caught up with the dishes but it seems like every single restaurant I worked at is fueled with discrimination, all the people of color do the back breaking bone job and get talked to like a pack of slaves and on top of that I am supposed to be grateful for the opportunity of being denigrated as a human being while everybody else gets to eat cake and go outside to smoke weed.

By the way, this is the same crappy job that goes back to my previous job about “dealing with alienation at work” I am scheduled to work this weekend and I kinda want to give them the middle finger but that's an extra $200 bucks for a weekend's work so I still need the money pretty bad.

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