
Is it a bad idea to quit via no call/no show?

This may be the wrong sub so if there's a better place, let me know? I picked up a seasonal job the start of this month. I don't need it, it was to fund some fun stuff I wanted to do outside of my budget. By the end of this week, I'll have worked 20 days in a row between my 3x a week normal job and my “part time” seasonal job. And after ONE day off, I'm scheduled 13 days in a row again. When I accepted the job, she told me it would be “a 4 hour shift here, a 5 hour shift there” with the option to work at her other location in town if I wanted more hours. When PT hired me, I thought I was very clear that I already work full time (3x12hr) and this was a “fun money” gig. Which is why I…

This may be the wrong sub so if there's a better place, let me know?

I picked up a seasonal job the start of this month. I don't need it, it was to fund some fun stuff I wanted to do outside of my budget.

By the end of this week, I'll have worked 20 days in a row between my 3x a week normal job and my “part time” seasonal job. And after ONE day off, I'm scheduled 13 days in a row again. When I accepted the job, she told me it would be “a 4 hour shift here, a 5 hour shift there” with the option to work at her other location in town if I wanted more hours.

When PT hired me, I thought I was very clear that I already work full time (3x12hr) and this was a “fun money” gig. Which is why I was unwilling to adjust my availability despite PT “really needing more people on Xday.” PT continues to schedule me 3-4x a week for 6-9 hour shifts.

I don't need a reference. I don't need this for my resume. It's literally a receptionist job when my field is accounting. Hell, I'm now quitting (with notice) my current FT job because I just accepted a hugely better job.

I know I have toxic work ethic and take “pride” in my job to often my own detriment because when I started working at 17, I was promised “big things” if I just “worked hard and was loyal.” Logically, I know I need to get out of this for my own emotional well-being. But I'm 22 and I can count on two hands the number of times I've called out with proper notice because I couldn't handle knowing I would leave my coworkers short handed.

The job is a corporate tax preparer (think TurboTax but an in person office, not a small business). So this job straight up only lasts 4 more weeks. But I'm literally sitting in bed with 3.5 hours until my 18th shift crying because I just…need a goddamn day to myself.

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