
Is it a red flag if a company can’t accommodate my schedule for an interview?

I just got a call from a company and they requested an interview with me. I told them I work M-F until 4 (with the nature of my job, I can’t take off work short notice because I see patients). The lady told me the manager is unable to schedule things after 11am, so we can’t interview. I asked if a video call would work, and she said no. Okay lady, well why would I want to work for a company that won’t accommodate me at all?

I just got a call from a company and they requested an interview with me. I told them I work M-F until 4 (with the nature of my job, I can’t take off work short notice because I see patients). The lady told me the manager is unable to schedule things after 11am, so we can’t interview. I asked if a video call would work, and she said no.

Okay lady, well why would I want to work for a company that won’t accommodate me at all?

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