
Is it legal for my job to send me home early to avoid paying overtime?

I work for an hourly rate in the hospitality industry, and am often required to put in overtime hours on the weekends. Myself and my coworkers at comparable positions are always sent home towards the end of the week if we are close to accruing over 40 hours. I worked 13 fucking hours on Saturday and got sent home yesterday after working 3. I’m so tired of it and it just seems like cheating. Is there anything I can do about it? I work in PA if that helps.

I work for an hourly rate in the hospitality industry, and am often required to put in overtime hours on the weekends. Myself and my coworkers at comparable positions are always sent home towards the end of the week if we are close to accruing over 40 hours. I worked 13 fucking hours on Saturday and got sent home yesterday after working 3. I’m so tired of it and it just seems like cheating. Is there anything I can do about it? I work in PA if that helps.

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