
Is it legal for your boss to rip out pages of your notebook/diary?

It’s a long story but basically about 3 weeks ago I saw the writing on the wall at my job as a contractor for a large tech company that I needed to start looking for another job. I started telling my family and friends about some bad stuff that was happening at my job and they all suggested I start writing down and documenting what was happening so I could reference it if needed. Fast forward two weeks and I’ve got 2-3 pages of documented abuse and sabotage for me and the project I was hired to do and had updated my resume and was ready to start putting it out there. Early that next week I got a call in the morning from my recruiter informing me that the company I was contracted to work for had ended my position there and not to come back. Before I hung…

It’s a long story but basically about 3 weeks ago I saw the writing on the wall at my job as a contractor for a large tech company that I needed to start looking for another job. I started telling my family and friends about some bad stuff that was happening at my job and they all suggested I start writing down and documenting what was happening so I could reference it if needed. Fast forward two weeks and I’ve got 2-3 pages of documented abuse and sabotage for me and the project I was hired to do and had updated my resume and was ready to start putting it out there. Early that next week I got a call in the morning from my recruiter informing me that the company I was contracted to work for had ended my position there and not to come back. Before I hung up I asked how I go about retrieving my personal belongings still
At the office and she told me to just text or contact manager or supervisor. So I text my supervisor and ask for my stuff , naming all the important things. A day later he responds and says he will mail it to my house and asked for my personal address. So I give it to him and about a week later a box shows up at my house with about 95% of my stuff but all the important stuff is there including my notebook with my log of events and journal. It had the company logo on it but was very well made and got it from the self help supply closet that all the employees had access to. About a week goes by and I casually go to use the notebook to start logging some stuff when I notice the first few pages where I had my log of events were ripped out and gone. I actually had taken pictures of the log on my phone a few days before I was fired after I had all two weeks logged… so is that theft? I had other very delicate and personal information on there that was for my eyes only including new bank info , address, and other numbers and passwords for various accounts. I haven’t brought this up or contacted anyone to ask for it back or to see who took it but I feel dirty and raped of my dignity and it feels wrong they are trying so hard to cover up this whole thing. I can provide the pictures and dates and like I have a ton of evidence of a lot of stuff. I work in IT I’m not a lawyer. I have barely any money and am waiting for unemployment to kick in hopefully soon I was semi approved for $3,000 in unemployment paid in $250/ week payments for the next 3 months. I’m in North Carolina RTP area.

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