
Is it legal what my uncle’s company did to him???

My uncle works at a company that recently switched owners. He just had surgery and took time off. When he got his check after his time off, it did not include his sick leave pay. He thought it was an oversight or some hiccup while things changed hands. But, today he found out that essentially he lost all his accumulated PTO and sick leave when the company changed owners. Apparently, sick leave and PTO is not “protected” in Colorado or something like that. So basically, the company wiped his PTO and sick leave clean and are shrugging their shoulders and saying, “too bad.” It is obviously a terrible thing to do. However, is this actually legal? In regards to how to push back, anyone have any suggestions?? Thank you in advance for your advice!

My uncle works at a company that recently switched owners. He just had surgery and took time off. When he got his check after his time off, it did not include his sick leave pay.

He thought it was an oversight or some hiccup while things changed hands. But, today he found out that essentially he lost all his accumulated PTO and sick leave when the company changed owners. Apparently, sick leave and PTO is not “protected” in Colorado or something like that.

So basically, the company wiped his PTO and sick leave clean and are shrugging their shoulders and saying, “too bad.” It is obviously a terrible thing to do. However, is this actually legal? In regards to how to push back, anyone have any suggestions??

Thank you in advance for your advice!

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