
Is it worth staying?

Been with this job for 3 almost 4 years have busted my ass to get to the point where I'm gearing up to run the store but the team that I have worries me, I have two people older than me who use to be good workers and have turned into zero work ethic assholes (this company seems to reward bad behavior unless you've been a good worker from the start current manager has zero spine), I have one worker who tried getting me fired by claiming sexual harassment when she was the one harassing me, one lady that is almost twice my age and gets pissy if people aren't working the entire time of their shift but then takes personal phone calls and sits on her ass, another worker who I swear shouldn't have passed highschool with how incredibly stupid she is the simplest tasks get fucked up when…

Been with this job for 3 almost 4 years have busted my ass to get to the point where I'm gearing up to run the store but the team that I have worries me, I have two people older than me who use to be good workers and have turned into zero work ethic assholes (this company seems to reward bad behavior unless you've been a good worker from the start current manager has zero spine), I have one worker who tried getting me fired by claiming sexual harassment when she was the one harassing me, one lady that is almost twice my age and gets pissy if people aren't working the entire time of their shift but then takes personal phone calls and sits on her ass, another worker who I swear shouldn't have passed highschool with how incredibly stupid she is the simplest tasks get fucked up when she does it I barely trust her to mop the store, then I have two other workers who are the only ones I trust to get shit done to completion. Honestly I'm stressed out all the time I dread going to work hell I fantasy about getting hit on my way to work just so I don't have to go, I'm constantly wondering if I should just grit my teeth and keep going since I'm so close already, if bills weren't a issue I'd have left long ago but this is the best I've been paid ever,

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