
Is it worth submitting a complaint to the OFCCP? I got denied disability accommodations and get paid the least for the same level position.

Sorry for the long post! It's hard not to say a lot when there are so many problems. I wish this was all of it too, but it's nowhere near. So, I left my two retail jobs back in late 2020 to finally work an office/corporate job for one of the largest banks on the East Coast. The department I'm in was too incompetent to even provide me with basic training and I just kept getting told “You just learn as you go” …..while handling people's loans/mortgages/etc.? ok sure. Management is also a joke. The VP is a bigot who thinks she knows better than everyone on anything work and non-work related because she's been there for like 40 years. The manager for my area feels attacked when you offer any suggestions and/or point out flaws on anything. A lot of what I know now has been self taught or…

Sorry for the long post! It's hard not to say a lot when there are so many problems. I wish this was all of it too, but it's nowhere near.

So, I left my two retail jobs back in late 2020 to finally work an office/corporate job for one of the largest banks on the East Coast. The department I'm in was too incompetent to even provide me with basic training and I just kept getting told “You just learn as you go” …..while handling people's loans/mortgages/etc.? ok sure.

Management is also a joke. The VP is a bigot who thinks she knows better than everyone on anything work and non-work related because she's been there for like 40 years. The manager for my area feels attacked when you offer any suggestions and/or point out flaws on anything.

A lot of what I know now has been self taught or just from asking different people questions on different matters because if I asked to see the procedures so I could learn how to do stuff, they would always shut me down with “don't worry about it, just stick to your responsibilities” and then of course I would get in trouble for making mistakes that could have easily been preventable. Actually, I've gotten in trouble for a LOT of stuff and then get told not to be “defensive” and “too sensitive” when I point out why errors happen the way they do.

Because this is my first office job, management always treats us (my coworker and I. Same age/experience) like we're less than or that we're “going rogue” for going an extra step to make sure shit gets done, even though you have people who've worked here longer than I've been alive and somehow down know the very basics on how to use their own computer…or how to do basically anything.

Anyway, I went through all the trouble to get all forms and signatures from my physician to submit a request for accommodations, given I fall under at least two categories for what they consider a disability, and I really needed some help with time flexibility so I didn't use all of my PTO just on doctor appointments alone. Nope. Denied. They said the most they could do would be an intermediate leave, which would be me doing whatever (Come in later/leaving early for appointments), but I just wouldn't be paid for that time I'm gone. I specifically emphasized that I would be glad to make up for whatever amount of time I'd be gone, but no. If it's over an hour, then you have to use your PTO. I've been able to manage some since, but had they approved for flexible time, it would have made things a lot easier.

And finally, a few weeks ago I was chatting with my coworker who's my age, same work experience, and same work ethic AND we both started as temps, but I got officially hired as an employee like 6 months before my coworker. WELL, as I came to find out, I make about a dollar LESS than my coworker. Again, same work, same experience, etc. and it honestly doesn't make any sense.

I was already resentful from being denied accommodations, and now this? ……and oh shit wait….. I'm also the only Hispanic/Latino in the entire area I'm in (3 depts). Wow, how coincidental.

I've gone to HR at least twice now about how bad conditions are here, but of course everyone else always complains but don't actually say anything, so it probably just looks like I'm the only one with a problem. I inquired with them about the pay difference, and they said they'd be getting back to me soon, and never did. When I emailed back a month later, I didn't get a response.

TL;DR: Management is incompetent and sketchy; HR refused disability accommodations, and I found out I get paid the least….and coincidentally, I happen to be the only Latino in the entire section I'm in… (-:

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