
Is it wrong to start a one-person business?

I want to quit my management job and find an existence where I feel valued for what I'm doing (both by myself and by others). I have thought of becoming a home inspector because I have the knowledge base and skill set and only need a bit of training to get myself feeling confident that I am delivering a quality service to home buyers. I assume some people here would think even the concept of helping people purchase homes is bad because its a mark of capitalism? Is it okay in general to work for myself doing some sort of consultant work (in any field, if you think the homeownership field is unethical). That way I am not subjugating anyone to the system of receiving an arbitrary paycheck from me, I'm only exchanging a service I myself provide for the currency I need to live in the current financial system…

I want to quit my management job and find an existence where I feel valued for what I'm doing (both by myself and by others). I have thought of becoming a home inspector because I have the knowledge base and skill set and only need a bit of training to get myself feeling confident that I am delivering a quality service to home buyers. I assume some people here would think even the concept of helping people purchase homes is bad because its a mark of capitalism? Is it okay in general to work for myself doing some sort of consultant work (in any field, if you think the homeownership field is unethical). That way I am not subjugating anyone to the system of receiving an arbitrary paycheck from me, I'm only exchanging a service I myself provide for the currency I need to live in the current financial system I live in?

Forgive me for being uneducated on all of this. I've started reading some of the links provided on r/antiwork but it takes me a while to get through all that reading and I thought I might hear a few opinions from other redditors. Thanks for your understanding and gentleness!

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