
Is my boss picking favorites or am I over thinking this?

So basically I work at this small family owned ice cream shack in my town (not going to say names because I’m still employed there). At first it was super good I was getting paid decent and getting 40-50 hours every 2 weeks (it’s a part time job obviously) and I really enjoyed it. But recently I’ve been asking for a few more days off then I normally would be due to it being summer and all of that. Anyways with that being said she has cut my hours in half so instead of getting the 40-59 hours I’m lucky to get 30 hours if that. Here’s where I think she’s picking favorites though. I know a few other people who work there and have asked for many more days off then me and are still getting way more hours then me. These people are Also closer with the boss/owner.…

So basically I work at this small family owned ice cream shack in my town (not going to say names because I’m still employed there). At first it was super good I was getting paid decent and getting 40-50 hours every 2 weeks (it’s a part time job obviously) and I really enjoyed it. But recently I’ve been asking for a few more days off then I normally would be due to it being summer and all of that. Anyways with that being said she has cut my hours in half so instead of getting the 40-59 hours I’m lucky to get 30 hours if that. Here’s where I think she’s picking favorites though. I know a few other people who work there and have asked for many more days off then me and are still getting way more hours then me. These people are Also closer with the boss/owner. I also have a friend who’s hours are also getting cut just like mine so I’m honestly at a loss of what to do. If anyone can give me ideas on how to go about this I would appreciate it a lot :).

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