
Is my work environment insane or am I just sensitive?

*English is not my first language* I work at a store. My position is just classified as a “seller” on paper but I do many jobs (like cashier, warehouse stuff, management etc). I am very young and obviously, this is just a temporary summer job and by temporary I mean until I finish college (I am a senior in hs). I've been working there for 3 summers now. There are more stores like mine under our company and I recently met a girl who told me she's been working there for 9+ years. I fear this might be me in the future because I am a die-hard people pleaser and I legit can't say no but I cannot handle one more season of working there. First, at the beginning of summer, my boss(T) didn't make any schedule. T used to call me at 11 pm asking if I could work…

*English is not my first language*

I work at a store. My position is just classified as a “seller” on paper but I do many jobs (like cashier, warehouse stuff, management etc). I am very young and obviously, this is just a temporary summer job and by temporary I mean until I finish college (I am a senior in hs). I've been working there for 3 summers now. There are more stores like mine under our company and I recently met a girl who told me she's been working there for 9+ years. I fear this might be me in the future because I am a die-hard people pleaser and I legit can't say no but I cannot handle one more season of working there.

First, at the beginning of summer, my boss(T) didn't make any schedule. T used to call me at 11 pm asking if I could work the morning shift that starts at 6:30 and of course, I would say yes because there was no one else to open the store and work. This didn't bother me at first but my friends pointed out it's not okay. Now, that we have a schedule T is very absent. T rarely responds to messages and calls (work-related). T is very laid back which is why everyone likes them. However, my coworkers have gotten too comfortable. Sometimes they would leave earlier without saying anything, leaving me alone in the store or they would just show up 40 minutes later to a shift. Sometimes I have to work double shifts without getting paid for the other shift and T doesn't care. I don't want to flat-out snitch my coworkers and be a baby but this isn't fair. One time he did find out I had to stay and do a double shift cause my coworker didn't show and T flat out just said “Alright”. T is very manipulative. Last year I said I wouldn't be extending my contract as my school was starting and that I can help out on the weekends and T started complaining about how everyone already left, how they don't have enough workers for every store and how “school is very easy the first 2 weeks”. So, I caved in and said I would stay. T didn't extend my contract but I worked the extra 2 weeks. A week after I stopped working there T called at 10:30 pm and asks if I can work the weekends T explains how they asked my coworker and she already said yes and everyone was apparently so happy and excited to work again. So I ended up working weekends for 2 weeks which isn't a lot (just 4 days) but I was busy with school and coming home late (at 8 pm).

T likes to brag about how much they work and how much their kids are working. T basically has all their kids working for them (even the ones who are technically too young to legally work). T encourages extra work and makes fun of people who complain about it. On some shifts, you don't even get a break. I legit sometimes can't go to the bathroom or take a sip of water due to how busy we are. I recently found out my pay is nothing compared to my friends who work as ice cream scoopers. Obviously, I'm not expecting crazy amounts but compared to my friends it's ridiculous.

T is not a bad person. T is actually a very kind and busy person. My coworkers keep saying how they had worse bosses and work environment and how the pay is actually not that bad. Am I being too sensitive?

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