
Is my workplace totally dysfunctional?

​ I currently work with a person who was the actual department manager when I was hired. This person was terrible as the department manager and was demoted. Another person within the department was promoted to department manager. This happened four month into my employment. I am now four years in and the current department manager refers to the demoted manager as their “right hand” person. I also started getting write ups for things that are obviously failures by the former department manager. The latest write up stated the I was “wasting company time” and “Not completing a project on time”. Both the department manager and the “right hand” were present for the new write up . I brought up that my co worker openly plays games on their phone and has several projects from last year that are still unfinished. But nothing has been said to this person, and…

I currently work with a person who was the actual department manager when I was hired. This person was terrible as the department manager and was demoted.

Another person within the department was promoted to department manager. This happened four month into my employment.

I am now four years in and the current department manager refers to the demoted manager as their “right hand” person. I also started getting write ups for things that are obviously failures by the former department manager.

The latest write up stated the I was “wasting company time” and “Not completing a project on time”.

Both the department manager and the “right hand” were present for the new write up .

I brought up that my co worker openly plays games on their phone and has several projects from last year that are still unfinished. But nothing has been said to this person, and they seem to show favoritism to this person

The former manager/non manager? Who the hell knows what they are is also passive aggressive and with openly through people under the bus.

So now I am supposed to report my work time every week to the department manager. But also work with the former demoted manager and report project progress to that person.

I am starting to believe I am in some dysfunctional universe, one where you don't even know who your actual boss is.

Sorry for the wall of word. But I need to rant.

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