
Is streaming on Twitch/uploading on YouTube a better alternative to a retail/service job?

I’m going to college soon and I’m wanting to try and find a decent job so I’ll be able to get an apartment after my first year in the dorms. I’m going to do the work program while in college, but I don’t know what to do when I graduate. I’ve considered possibly starting a YouTube/Twitch channel for awhile to see if I could possibly make money from it and avoid the anxieties/rude people/not great pay of retail. I’ve worked a few retail jobs before and don’t mind working one again, but if online streaming pays better then I think I’d want to do that instead. Any alternative ideas or tips are also welcome, such as businesses to avoid/consider, other jobs, etc. For anyone curious, I’m majoring in Computer Science looking for a career in Indie Game Development. I need to find something that’ll get my from point A to…

I’m going to college soon and I’m wanting to try and find a decent job so I’ll be able to get an apartment after my first year in the dorms. I’m going to do the work program while in college, but I don’t know what to do when I graduate. I’ve considered possibly starting a YouTube/Twitch channel for awhile to see if I could possibly make money from it and avoid the anxieties/rude people/not great pay of retail. I’ve worked a few retail jobs before and don’t mind working one again, but if online streaming pays better then I think I’d want to do that instead.

Any alternative ideas or tips are also welcome, such as businesses to avoid/consider, other jobs, etc. For anyone curious, I’m majoring in Computer Science looking for a career in Indie Game Development. I need to find something that’ll get my from point A to point B in the in between time of college and publishing my first game (plus thereafter since I’ll be self employed for the most part).

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