
Is there a fine line between duties being added on that make sense and ones that don’t?

So I've seen talk in this sub about companies adding on duties to roles after being onboarded, and generally I've seen the consensus be that that is bullshit and shouldn't happen. I guess I'm looking for advice on when you believe an additional responsibility is okay, or when that addition is just the worker being taken advantage of. To be honest, I can't really tell when I'm being taken advantage of. I'm neurodivergent and struggle with reading between the lines. I like to be a team player, but generally when I start a job I ask for a very detailed outline of what my role entails. I like structure, so when I get an add on it can frustrate me. My fear is that this anger is sometimes irrational, because I also don't want to be an asshole. But for example, I was very clear with my current job about…

So I've seen talk in this sub about companies adding on duties to roles after being onboarded, and generally I've seen the consensus be that that is bullshit and shouldn't happen. I guess I'm looking for advice on when you believe an additional responsibility is okay, or when that addition is just the worker being taken advantage of.

To be honest, I can't really tell when I'm being taken advantage of. I'm neurodivergent and struggle with reading between the lines. I like to be a team player, but generally when I start a job I ask for a very detailed outline of what my role entails. I like structure, so when I get an add on it can frustrate me. My fear is that this anger is sometimes irrational, because I also don't want to be an asshole. But for example, I was very clear with my current job about what I didn't want to do. I was told what the job entails and made sure that that was all I would do. Now things are being added on because it's considered “in my scope”, but I don't really see how they are. I'm sales, and a lot of it is operational stuff. I could do it, no problem. I have experience with it. I just don't feel like I'm paid to do it? Idk.

I just want to be a good person and coworker, but it's also exhausting feeling crazy over this. Anyone have some guidance? I know my wording can be convoluted, so I'm happy to clarify anything. I left out some context to keep it from getting too long

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