
Is there a laundry list of issues? If not, let’s make one.

I feel it would be easier to convince people with a static list of bull shit that contributes to the oppression of the working class rather than saying “fuck billionaires”. I'm not trying to simplify the issue, but rather I would like to compartmentalize so it's easier to organize, focus on objectives, and convince capitalist simps in a subtle manner. So, does anyone know if there's a list/site/resource like this? If not, shall we start one?

I feel it would be easier to convince people with a static list of bull shit that contributes to the oppression of the working class rather than saying “fuck billionaires”. I'm not trying to simplify the issue, but rather I would like to compartmentalize so it's easier to organize, focus on objectives, and convince capitalist simps in a subtle manner.

So, does anyone know if there's a list/site/resource like this? If not, shall we start one?

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