
Is there anyone here who does like working in person?

I might be the weird one out for sure – but I like having an in person environment at least a few days a week. I feel like i can never really focus as well when its just me and my cats at home, theres too much temptation to just fuck off and get distracted. But then, i was the kind of person who had to do homework in the school library for the same reason. I like working from home, but working in the office was actually beneficial for me. I like being able to talk to people face to face, it helps me understand them better i guess? The content of the message is just the same as it would be online, but it feels… Just a bit more clear and grounded in person. Even the little things. All this said, I am super lucky to have a…

I might be the weird one out for sure – but I like having an in person environment at least a few days a week.

I feel like i can never really focus as well when its just me and my cats at home, theres too much temptation to just fuck off and get distracted. But then, i was the kind of person who had to do homework in the school library for the same reason.

I like working from home, but working in the office was actually beneficial for me. I like being able to talk to people face to face, it helps me understand them better i guess? The content of the message is just the same as it would be online, but it feels… Just a bit more clear and grounded in person. Even the little things.

All this said, I am super lucky to have a good boss who doesn't micromanage, and coworkers who I get along with. Plus I was only going in for work 3 days a week before covid – and now its completely online with in person meetings on request.

Is it just my ADHD ass who kinda misses in person work? I totally understand why people hate it, just wondering if im alone in wishing it was back to some extent.

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