
Is this an HR issue?

I have a decent relationship with my direct manager. We recently had a difficult discussion and a short time afterwards he made a joke to me about my weight and age (I am slightly overweight and 52 years old). Although it was said in a joking way, it is not something I appreciate. I feel that if I raise this issue with him directly, I will seem over-sensitive. If I go to HR, I would be escalating. Is there a middle ground?

I have a decent relationship with my direct manager. We recently had a difficult discussion and a short time afterwards he made a joke to me about my weight and age (I am slightly overweight and 52 years old). Although it was said in a joking way, it is not something I appreciate. I feel that if I raise this issue with him directly, I will seem over-sensitive. If I go to HR, I would be escalating. Is there a middle ground?

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