
Is trying to have a future really worth it?

Hello, before I start I would like to say that I am only 13, and Australian, so please take the things I write here with a few kilos of salt. What are the lives you people above my age lead? Do you ever wake up feeling like life is a rat cage with the supposed cheese at the end being a life where you can be yourself and want to carry on? Though I am still in school, I dread the life ahead of where I am. People say that this is as good as it gets at my age, and if that's so, then is it worth it? Is there really a point in trying at all? Is there really any point in higher education if the path ahead is laden with traps of debt, sadness, all for a life that seems a little bit more worth living? Everything…

Hello, before I start I would like to say that I am only 13, and Australian, so please take the things I write here with a few kilos of salt.
What are the lives you people above my age lead?
Do you ever wake up feeling like life is a rat cage with the supposed cheese at the end being a life where you can be yourself and want to carry on?
Though I am still in school, I dread the life ahead of where I am.
People say that this is as good as it gets at my age, and if that's so, then is it worth it?
Is there really a point in trying at all? Is there really any point in higher education if the path ahead is laden with traps of debt, sadness, all for a life that seems a little bit more worth living?
Everything seems like it ends in the same way, the path there is filled with struggles of different kinds depending on the path you choose, for a “reward” that isn't set in stone.
Maybe I'm just spoiled with visions of a world where people can genuinely be happy, you don't need me here to tell you that our world is built on the suffering of others and ourselves.
It seems us lower/middle class exist to line the pockets of people above us.
Attempting to have a better life is like attempting to climb up a spiked ladder dripping with lemon and covered with butter. Or so I think. Reading this sub just makes me even more unfaithful and uncertain of my future, I don't even care about what happens anymore, I just drift and wait until something happens I suppose. Seeing everyone come together here is really nice though, gives me some form of dim sunlight through the absolute torrential maelstrom of rain.
Hope you people have some sort of success in your goals.
This whole post is really just a vent, good luck people.

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