
it’s 2am and I’m the only housekeeper in the hospital

I'm just an associate. I don't have access to bed boards, I can't see all assignments. The office is locked all night. They have refused to hire a manager for 2 years and the lead was the only person who could see all the dirty rooms but she quit maybe 2 weeks ago. Tonight I was here with one other housekeeper, 2 people for the whole night. Just enough staff for me to cover the 5 regular floor discharges+lab and for her to cover the ED. Then she had a family emergency and had to leave just now, so I'm here with 2 pagers with two different sets of rooms to clean, a direct EVS line anyone in the building can call about anything they need, literally an ENTIRE HOSPITAL HOUSEKEEPING DEPT TO RUN BY MYSELF, and I've no clue where to start. Do I try calling daytime managers/supervisors who…

I'm just an associate. I don't have access to bed boards, I can't see all assignments. The office is locked all night. They have refused to hire a manager for 2 years and the lead was the only person who could see all the dirty rooms but she quit maybe 2 weeks ago. Tonight I was here with one other housekeeper, 2 people for the whole night. Just enough staff for me to cover the 5 regular floor discharges+lab and for her to cover the ED. Then she had a family emergency and had to leave just now, so I'm here with 2 pagers with two different sets of rooms to clean, a direct EVS line anyone in the building can call about anything they need, literally an ENTIRE HOSPITAL HOUSEKEEPING DEPT TO RUN BY MYSELF, and I've no clue where to start. Do I try calling daytime managers/supervisors who are asleep and can't help without physically coming to the building which they sure as shit aren't going to do at 2am? They haven't hired any PRN to be call-in or relief either so I'm just here alone until 7am and I have to deal with an entire hospital's worth of rooms, trash, areas cleaning, all of it by myself.

What the hell am I supposed to do?? Should this be the last straw? Because wtf. This is happening right now and I'm just sitting here trying to figure out if I should just quit right now because I can't believe it's gotten to this point

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