
It’s just not worth being treated the way we are anymore.

I’ve switched to SW full-time because I am absolutely tired of how I’ve been treated by various bosses and managers. I would love a steady paycheck, we all would, but I just can’t find it in myself to think the current treatment of underpaid employees is worth it. The only way I can make sure my physical and mental health isn’t ripped apart is just to work under my damn self instead of having an anxiety attack for needing to call out sick, or being shouted at like a child in front of customers by a manager in a bad mood. No one wants to work anymore, sure, not for people who treat us like we have no value. At least there’s comfort in my current gig knowing I’ll never treat myself that way, even if the money is inconsistent, it’s more worth it than anything I’ve experienced thus far.

I’ve switched to SW full-time because I am absolutely tired of how I’ve been treated by various bosses and managers. I would love a steady paycheck, we all would, but I just can’t find it in myself to think the current treatment of underpaid employees is worth it. The only way I can make sure my physical and mental health isn’t ripped apart is just to work under my damn self instead of having an anxiety attack for needing to call out sick, or being shouted at like a child in front of customers by a manager in a bad mood.

No one wants to work anymore, sure, not for people who treat us like we have no value. At least there’s comfort in my current gig knowing I’ll never treat myself that way, even if the money is inconsistent, it’s more worth it than anything I’ve experienced thus far.

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