
It’s my last week at my job of 8 years!

Needless to say, I’m very excited, but scared. For the last 8 years I have managed within the hospitality field. My company started as an independent, creative, innovative company, and I was excited to be there. But, as the years went on, it grew and grew. Money became more important than people and my department took a back seat to corporate profits. I was passed over again and again for a promotion, while having to train all of my direct supervisors. All of which only lasted a year. During Covid I was forced to lay off my team, and had to run things by myself for nearly a year until I could bring people back. Both of my parents died within the last two years (not Covid related) and my company just did not care.. I got to the point where I was having mental breakdowns nearly every day. I…

Needless to say, I’m very excited, but scared. For the last 8 years I have managed within the hospitality field. My company started as an independent, creative, innovative company, and I was excited to be there. But, as the years went on, it grew and grew. Money became more important than people and my department took a back seat to corporate profits. I was passed over again and again for a promotion, while having to train all of my direct supervisors. All of which only lasted a year. During Covid I was forced to lay off my team, and had to run things by myself for nearly a year until I could bring people back. Both of my parents died within the last two years (not Covid related) and my company just did not care.. I got to the point where I was having mental breakdowns nearly every day. I tried to stick it out, mostly because I was afraid of losing everything I’ve worked for, and starting again. But, I need to be happy! I’ve taken a job that doesn’t offer me the benefits, 401K, PTO or even the salary I was making. However, I won’t be working 24/7 and should have a work/life balance which is priceless!

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