
It’s not all green pastures and pretty flowers in Europe

The vast majority of content posted here concerns the US of A and it’s usually accompanied by Europeans in the comments being absolutely baffled by the often ridiculous work policies you unfortunately face. BUT fellow Europeans, to remind ourselves and the rest of you that we’re not out of the clear yet, I bring to you a news article from my homeland that was published today: (I’ll loosely translate the news article, no worries) Today, employees from a local supermarket refused to open shop and let customers in. This uprising was due to a layoff that occurred last month in that same store. Said employee was reportedly fired for committing “a grave error”. What was that grave error that warranted getting fired over you might ask? Apparently, while in the back of the store, the employee felt faint and ate a cookie from the expired goods sections.. That’s it. That’s…

The vast majority of content posted here concerns the US of A and it’s usually accompanied by Europeans in the comments being absolutely baffled by the often ridiculous work policies you unfortunately face.
BUT fellow Europeans, to remind ourselves and the rest of you that we’re not out of the clear yet, I bring to you a news article from my homeland that was published today:

(I’ll loosely translate the news article, no worries)

Today, employees from a local supermarket refused to open shop and let customers in. This uprising was due to a layoff that occurred last month in that same store. Said employee was reportedly fired for committing “a grave error”. What was that grave error that warranted getting fired over you might ask?
Apparently, while in the back of the store, the employee felt faint and ate a cookie from the expired goods sections..
That’s it. That’s all they did (according to sources).
Despite providing a medical slip afterward with the help of their union, the company would not overturn their decision. This led to today’s strike.
They did reach some sort of agreement so the store could open later in the day, but the contents weren’t disclosed.

Hats off to the coworkers!

article mentioned/source

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