
It’s not that I don’t like my job, it’s that I’m forced to work at it 40-50 hours a week, indefinetly.

Want to offer a perpsective from someone who ACTUALLY enjoys and his job – and how the system still sucks the life out of me despite that. I work in engineering, specifically medical device. Work is actualy meaningful, I get to develop next gen innovate device technology. Coworkers are incredibly intelligent. Manager is supportive and hands off. Pay is good. There are frustrating aspects like insane red tape (regulatory industry) and the whole corporate speak/etc. But all in all, I have it good. Hell, this is stuff I've been into since I was a kid, I love science/technology. In another universe where I had a completely different job, I'd probably do this for FUN on the side – researching, etc. But here's the problem – its 40-50 hours a week (not counting commutes, etc). every week. indefinetely – I have little time and energy to devote or fulfill any other…

Want to offer a perpsective from someone who ACTUALLY enjoys and his job – and how the system still sucks the life out of me despite that.

I work in engineering, specifically medical device. Work is actualy meaningful, I get to develop next gen innovate device technology. Coworkers are incredibly intelligent. Manager is supportive and hands off. Pay is good. There are frustrating aspects like insane red tape (regulatory industry) and the whole corporate speak/etc. But all in all, I have it good. Hell, this is stuff I've been into since I was a kid, I love science/technology. In another universe where I had a completely different job, I'd probably do this for FUN on the side – researching, etc.

But here's the problem – its 40-50 hours a week (not counting commutes, etc). every week. indefinetely – I have little time and energy to devote or fulfill any other side passion to the fullest. In my life, people have different paths, different passions, and things change. they may be into one thing and want to fulfill it – and transition to the next thing. The problem occurs where that ONE THING saps all your energy and time and is needed to survive – preventing you from fulfilling or exploring other things.

I've wanted to start a non-profit. I've wanted to release an instrumental album (I've been playing music my whole life). I've wanted to spend 1 year traveling. And no, not do these things for “1 hour here and there”, but full commit to them in the short term. Then pick my career back up later. But the system chains you – you have to spend 5 years saving up money in order to take a year off off your life to explore other things. Then you have to worry about having a “gap” on your resume to explain to employers. one year. on year out of ages 18-65. peanuts. and health insurance – I have an autoimmune condition that requires expensive treatment, that would incur huge costs if I took a break – which means I have to save more.

I was thinking about it – every week is the same – energy and time sapped out of me. and I've done it al – I've done hustling – I've methodically broken down my schedule and optimized it to free up more time for my other passions I'd just like to explore more – but it's not as simple as “I work 50 hours a week, there are 168 hours a week, thats 118 hours left! thats plenty of time!”. There is sleep, spending time with family, recovery, working out so you stay healthy, adminstrative bullshit like waiting in line for 2 hours to get your license renewed. And there is the energy cost – there is only so much energy you have before you are tapped out – and that occurs WAY before your free time runs out, and is consumed mostly by work. I've done this – listened to gary V and david goggins podcasts to motivate myself to push harder harder and get more things done – I can tell you – its not natural and it doesn't work, especially if you are multi-tasking. you will literally push your brain and transition between tasks so much that you will start to forgot things and what you previously did. I'm an incredibly mentally strong “hustle” type person and I can tell you IT DOES NOT WORK IN THE LONG TERM. your mind is not designed for it – and trust me I wish it was, because I LOVE getting shit done.

The only reprieve I have on this is that I'm saving up money religously – to take my 1-2 year sabbatical so I can finally feel free, temporarily at least, and purse the other passions I want to pursue – THEN get back to engineering later. It's so stupid – because I actually enjoy my job – but its just constant – never eneding.

Anyways, as someone coming from a more privilaged career position – I agree – the whole system is still rigged.

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