
It’s simple LinkedIn. If you want to stay on top, it’s time to *force* companies to comply with State Laws regarding posting salary ranges.

I love how they're just enabling every company under the sun to ignore State Laws, especially in this 'States Rights' bull. I should write the DA and have them fined on every single case, case by case. Think they'll wake the hell up after 300 million in fines. Hell, require posting benefits too. The reason companies are so tight lipped about benefits and wages is so they don't have to be competitive (my free market!) I get right up in recruiters faces about it too when they spam me with job offers. I tell em gimme the numbers so I can laugh in their face over the ridiculous lowballing. Inflation was 10% and counting this year, you think I'm taking a pay cut to start my 'exciting new career'? Shoot me $10 over what I'm making or guarantee in writing inflation matching, or buzz off. LinkedIn, time for you to…

I love how they're just enabling every company under the sun to ignore State Laws, especially in this 'States Rights' bull. I should write the DA and have them fined on every single case, case by case. Think they'll wake the hell up after 300 million in fines.

Hell, require posting benefits too. The reason companies are so tight lipped about benefits and wages is so they don't have to be competitive (my free market!)

I get right up in recruiters faces about it too when they spam me with job offers. I tell em gimme the numbers so I can laugh in their face over the ridiculous lowballing. Inflation was 10% and counting this year, you think I'm taking a pay cut to start my 'exciting new career'? Shoot me $10 over what I'm making or guarantee in writing inflation matching, or buzz off.

LinkedIn, time for you to start obeying the law.

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