
It’s so challenging keeping your personal and work life separate anymore.

Your employer wants you to attend an event on your day off. Doesn’t matter you work 5 days a week, 8 hours a day, and you NEED those days to decompress and refresh. There’s “such an important event that will really motivate everyone!” “We want to be noticed in the community!” Yeah, well I’m exhausted, drained, and need rest. My husband wants to spend the entire weekend with me, since we barely see each other all week. But I guess that’s not as important as a mind numbing convention or passing out flyers to strangers. ​ Your boss and/or coworkers want you to add them on your personal social media. And if you don’t, they take it personal or assume you’re hiding something. They also want you to use it to advertise for the company, regardless of your position. Not sales? Doesn’t matter “it effects everyone if you don’t even…

Your employer wants you to attend an event on your day off. Doesn’t matter you work 5 days a week, 8 hours a day, and you NEED those days to decompress and refresh. There’s “such an important event that will really motivate everyone!” “We want to be noticed in the community!” Yeah, well I’m exhausted, drained, and need rest. My husband wants to spend the entire weekend with me, since we barely see each other all week. But I guess that’s not as important as a mind numbing convention or passing out flyers to strangers.

Your boss and/or coworkers want you to add them on your personal social media. And if you don’t, they take it personal or assume you’re hiding something. They also want you to use it to advertise for the company, regardless of your position. Not sales? Doesn’t matter “it effects everyone if you don’t even try. We need everyone participating in social media advertising. And you’d be surprised who you can hook.” (I‘ve had to lie a few times and tell my coworkers I posted a promotional post on my FB when, in fact, I did not. Just to get them off my back. I knew if I told them I don’t use my personal media for work, I’d never hear the end of it. Or they’d push the subject further wanting to know “why” or something. So I just humor them and tell them I did to shut them up. They aren’t on my media. I refuse to add them. So they’re none the wiser.)

They want you to promote your company with friends, family, even strangers. “Hey, when you hang out with your friends this weekend, tell them about our promotions!” “When you’re at your mother’s birthday party, mention us to your family!” “Talk to people at the grocery store.” Um. No thank you. I like to not think about/do work when I’m not getting paid to so…that’s a hard no. (My coworker actually nagged me to talk to mine and my husband’s church small group when I told them I was meeting with them after work.). Yeah, let me put that in our discussions and prayer requests.

What I do, what I talk to people about, etc. when I’m not at work is not up for discussion. As soon as I walk out that door, when my pay ceases for the day, when my free time every night and every weekend begins, how I choose to use my PERSONAL time and media, is not for my employer or coworkers to decide.

Your employees/coworkers have their persoral lives and their professional lives. STOP. BLURRING. THE. LINE. Unless we CHOOSE to add you on social media. Unless we CHOOSE to come during our time off. Unless we CHOOSE to use our personal media for promoting the business. Drop it!!!

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