
It’s so hard to get ahead

I’ve been a longtime lurker on this sub but I feel I just need a second to rant. My fiancé and I have been working our asses off trying to get ahead and it feels like we just can’t. We both get paid twice a month and are able to put a tiny bit of money away but we end up pulling it back out because everything just keeps increasing in price. We used to be able to spend $200 on groceries for 2 weeks but now it costs us over $400. We don’t eat out or buy anything extra for ourselves. I want to be able to buy birthday presents for family or even just go on a date with my fiancé but finances make it impossible. Rent keeps increasing. Electric keeps increasing. I don’t know what to do. I’ve been so depressed. People say money can’t buy happiness…

I’ve been a longtime lurker on this sub but I feel I just need a second to rant. My fiancé and I have been working our asses off trying to get ahead and it feels like we just can’t. We both get paid twice a month and are able to put a tiny bit of money away but we end up pulling it back out because everything just keeps increasing in price. We used to be able to spend $200 on groceries for 2 weeks but now it costs us over $400. We don’t eat out or buy anything extra for ourselves. I want to be able to buy birthday presents for family or even just go on a date with my fiancé but finances make it impossible. Rent keeps increasing. Electric keeps increasing. I don’t know what to do. I’ve been so depressed. People say money can’t buy happiness but I can’t think of a single issue I have right now that couldn’t be solved with extra money.

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