
It’s time: Reverse the job application process

Some experiments of this kind have already been done. For instance, very recently the largest emplyment agency in The Netherlands held an event where large companies were able to meet potential employees and convince them to join their company. The companies compete amongst eachother in order to find new workers. This got me thinking: Why is the general job application process the way it is now? Why do companies get to set the rules, make the listings and decide who they invite? Likely because they are lazy and it improves their position in negotiations. Even tho companies have resources, time, a hiring team, HR etc. at their disposal in order to find employees, and applicants only have themselves and any time and money they can spare, the responsibility within the process of job finding is almost complety dumped on the applicant. This negatively impact the opportunities of workers and benefits…

Some experiments of this kind have already been done. For instance, very recently the largest emplyment agency in The Netherlands held an event where large companies were able to meet potential employees and convince them to join their company. The companies compete amongst eachother in order to find new workers.

This got me thinking: Why is the general job application process the way it is now? Why do companies get to set the rules, make the listings and decide who they invite? Likely because they are lazy and it improves their position in negotiations.

Even tho companies have resources, time, a hiring team, HR etc. at their disposal in order to find employees, and applicants only have themselves and any time and money they can spare, the responsibility within the process of job finding is almost complety dumped on the applicant. This negatively impact the opportunities of workers and benefits companies.

A cultural shift is needed: It is time we reverse the job application process. Let the people advertise themselves. Let them set the salary and benefits, and let companies compete in order to bring in employees. Companies should be the ones that invest times and resources into finding people to fill their positions.

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