
It’s wild that most Americans live under a despotic authoritarian regime but will fall all over themselves to defend it.

Most people spend over half their waking life at work and are governed by minor despots and tyrants who can destroy their livelihood, strip them of healthcare, and subject them to abuse and harassment, all on a passing whim. Your boss governs more of your life than the government. Your working conditions have a far greater material impact on you and your family than congressional committees. Do you get to vote on your wages? On your boss's wages? Do you get a say in what the company makes, sells, or who it does business with? Is your existence as a human being recognized in any capacity in the decision making of your employer? Absolutely not. You live in tyranny. You live under an authoritarian regime more pernicious and harmful than whatever boogieman conservative media is trying to sell you. The rich live in “liberal democracies.” Workers live in fear.

Most people spend over half their waking life at work and are governed by minor despots and tyrants who can destroy their livelihood, strip them of healthcare, and subject them to abuse and harassment, all on a passing whim.

Your boss governs more of your life than the government. Your working conditions have a far greater material impact on you and your family than congressional committees.

Do you get to vote on your wages? On your boss's wages? Do you get a say in what the company makes, sells, or who it does business with? Is your existence as a human being recognized in any capacity in the decision making of your employer?

Absolutely not. You live in tyranny. You live under an authoritarian regime more pernicious and harmful than whatever boogieman conservative media is trying to sell you.

The rich live in “liberal democracies.” Workers live in fear.

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