
I’ve been chasing a day’s wages for almost 2 weeks now

So as the title says I have been missing one days worth of pay which I immediately brought up with my employer and didn't get a straight answer as to why. I kept asking every few days and I've finally been told 12 days after I initially brought it up with them that it will be added to my pay on Friday. I'm glad I'm finally gonna receive it but that just feels wrong I'm living paycheck to paycheck and they can just get away with not giving me what I should have been paid almost 2 weeks ago. I suppose what I'd like to know is am I owed compensation because of it? I've had to borrow money from people just to make up for what I haven't been paid. It's not like the company is going under or anything they're a massive company. I'm in the UK btw.

So as the title says I have been missing one days worth of pay which I immediately brought up with my employer and didn't get a straight answer as to why. I kept asking every few days and I've finally been told 12 days after I initially brought it up with them that it will be added to my pay on Friday. I'm glad I'm finally gonna receive it but that just feels wrong I'm living paycheck to paycheck and they can just get away with not giving me what I should have been paid almost 2 weeks ago. I suppose what I'd like to know is am I owed compensation because of it? I've had to borrow money from people just to make up for what I haven't been paid. It's not like the company is going under or anything they're a massive company. I'm in the UK btw.

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